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About me

I'm not a photographer, I just like to take pictures.​And I carry the camera everywhere I go. Almost everywhere and that's the point. I use to carry heavy cameras and lenses no matter what. And use them no matter if rain, snow, wind could harm them, just to get the shot. Oh well, not true... in heavy rain I use some shopping bag that covers the camera ;)


I prefer the look of full frame dslr with wide open fixed lenses over the smartphone photos, even if I must admit also smartphones are capable of making great photos too. But most of all I like taking picutres with a great small compact Lomo LCA on film.


I did and still do some pro work, but I love photography just for fun, to capture moments of this wonderful life.


"Capturing the moments of today that will wow your heart tomorrow"


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This is just for fun... until I change my mind ;)

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